The notes I used for a English-Conversation-Japanese- Culture class. Just a bit about Japanese history and culture.
About Me
Name::Andrea From::Small city/town, B.C., Canada
I am a short girl from the west cost of BC, Canada and I am a proud Canadian.
I went to Japan in 2000 because my Dad told me I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't. He was right.
I lived a good life found my husband from the other side of the world and have a beautiful daughter. Basically we lead a pretty normal life filled with normal ups and downs. We both come from different cultures: me Canadian, him Chinese.
Living in Japan was a real eye opener about who I am and about the people I associate myself with.
I lived and loved in Japan but the time to move on came upon us and in May of 2006 we left and moved to Canada: a huge move for us all. We are now trying to start up again, remodel our lives and create our future for our family.
I now feel like a tourist in the country of my birth, my eyes see different and my life will be forever changed. This blog is my notes and observations of our life, our changes, our adventures and new beginnings. Welcome. View my complete profile